All the information you need for this trip to Bordeaux.

You will find here all the information you need for your trip to Bordeaux in January 2009.
As you already know this women's retreat will take place from January the 11th to january the 15th.
If you want to know who are the hostesses, what is planned or where to send your wine samples, all the information should be in the blog.

The French Team.

vendredi 6 juin 2008

Women&Wine stories

I inform you that you can read the story of much of these women on women&wine website (Sandrine Garbay, Laure de Lambert des Granges, Lyn Maltus, Marie-Laure Lurton, Sophie Schÿler, Caroline Frey, Nicola Allison, Barbara Engerer, Griet Laviale).
Coming soon: Laurence Ters.

Have a good time with these stories.