All the information you need for this trip to Bordeaux.

You will find here all the information you need for your trip to Bordeaux in January 2009.
As you already know this women's retreat will take place from January the 11th to january the 15th.
If you want to know who are the hostesses, what is planned or where to send your wine samples, all the information should be in the blog.

The French Team.

vendredi 6 juin 2008

Women&Wine stories

I inform you that you can read the story of much of these women on women&wine website (Sandrine Garbay, Laure de Lambert des Granges, Lyn Maltus, Marie-Laure Lurton, Sophie Schÿler, Caroline Frey, Nicola Allison, Barbara Engerer, Griet Laviale).
Coming soon: Laurence Ters.

Have a good time with these stories.

jeudi 5 juin 2008

Who we are

Nicola Allison.
She is the owner, with her husband Sean, of Château du Seuil in Cérons. She is Welsh and her husband is a New-Zelander and they live in Cérons since 8 years.
She is in charge of the organization part of the women's retreat with Myriam Ruer.
Chateau Du Seuil

Barbara Engerer.
She is the marketing and communication manager of Château Paloumey (Cru Bourgeois Supérieur Haut-Médoc).
Château Paloumey

Caroline Frey.
She is the winemaker of Château La Lagune (Third Great Growth Classified Haut Médoc). Her family owns La Lagune, Jaboulet in Côtes du Rhône and Ayala in Champagne.
Château La Lagune

Sandrine Garbay.
She is the winemaker of the very well-known Château d'Yquem (Exceptional Great Growth Classified).
Château d'Yquem

Laure de Lambert des Granges.
Her family owns Château de Sales in Pomerol and Château Sigalas Rabaud in Sauternes (First Great Growth Classified). She works in Château Sigalas-Rabaud with her father.
Château Sigalas-Rabaud

Griet Laviale.
She is the owner of Château Franc Mayne (Great Growth Classified St-Emilion), Château de Lussac (Lussac St-Emilion) and Château Vieux Maillet (Pomerol).
Château Franc Mayne

Marie-Laure Lurton.
She owns 3 châteaux: La Tour de Bessan (Cru Bourgeois Margaux), Château de Villegeorges (Cru Bourgeois Supérieur Haut Médoc) and Château Duplessis (Cru Bourgeois Moulis). Her family owns some of the nicest châteaux of Bordeaux (Climens, Durfort Vivens, La Louvière,...).
Vignobles Marie-Laure Lurton

Lyn Maltus.
With her husband Jonathan, they own several châteaux in Bordeaux (Le Dôme, Les Astéries, Le Carré, Château Laforge, Château Grand Destieu, Château Teyssier, Clos Nardian and Pezat) and The Colonial Estate in Australia. They are based in Château Teyssier in St-Emilion (Great Growth of St-Emilion).

Wendy Narby.
Teacher at l'Ecole du Vin in Bordeaux, she has been a wine and food consultant in Paris and Bordeaux for the last 20 years.
Leaving Paris to marry a local chateau owner and negociant, she now shares her passion for the region with friends and clients from all around the world.
Insider tasting

Myriam Ruer.
She created, with her husband Renaud, a wine merchant company in Bordeaux: Wineprod. She proposes tasting courses, private wine
sellings and chateaux visits for their customers.
Since october 2008, she manages the sales administrative part of the website Chineur du Vin and the customer's relationships.
She is in charge of the organization part of the women's retreat together with Nicola Allison.

Sophie Schÿler Thierry. Owner with her brother and her sister of the beautiful Château Kirwan (Third Great Growth Classified of Margaux). She is in charge of all the marketing and communication part of Kirwan.
Château Kirwan

Laurence Ters.
She is the winemaker of Château Franc Mayne (Great Growth Classified of St-Emilion), Château Vieux Maillet (Pomerol) and Château de Lussac.
Château Franc Mayne

mardi 3 juin 2008

Where to send the wines

If you want to send some wines for the retreat, you may use the following adress:

Château Franc Mayne
to the attention of Laurence Ters
14, La Gomerie
33330 St-Emilion
Tél: + 33 557 246 261
Fax: +33 557 246 825

It is opened 7 days a week. But, the company is closed from the 20th of December to January the 5th. The best thing is to ship the wines before the 20th of December.
Thank you to fax the wine list before the shipment to Laurence TERS with the fax number just before.